Building a Live London Underground Tracker: Learning Go From Scratch
Building real-time systems is challenging enough in familiar languages. Building one while learning Go from scratch? That's either brave or foolish - probably both. Here's how I went from zero Go knowledge to a functioning London Underground tracker in a few days.
The Origin Story
Let's start with a confession: before Christmas 2024, I'd never written or read a line of anything other than Javascript (minus the odd bit of Python here or there). I wanted to learn a second language, something more backend-focused, and after looking around, I figured that Go was the most appealing.
I started with Maximiliano Firtman's brilliant 8 hour course on Frontend Masters "The Basics Of Go".
This introduced me to the fundamentals of the language at a pretty rapid clip. But as a kinesthetic learner, I needed an actual project to sink my metaphorical teeth into, to solidify this learning and build on it. No more tutorials, no more watching videos - just pick something interesting and figure it out.
I needed a project that would:
- Help me practise the concepts I'd just seen
- Use concurrency in a meaningful way (Go's big selling point)
- Be complicated enough to be interesting
- Maybe even be useful to someone (big maybe)
I'd originally thought about making yet another finance dashboard. No offence to finance dashboard makers (you're doing the lord's work), but every single portfolio seems to have one, and it's neither interesting or original. Plus, realistically I'd probably get paid to do that, so a personal project should be something I'd almost certainly not get paid to do.
But I did want something with real-time updates, where I could feed transformed data to a frontend using websockets.
I stumbled upon the extremely generous (500 polls a minute) free "Transport For London API" and that's when it all landed into place - I'd build something tentatively called "TfL Pulse", which would be a live map of the London Underground, showing all the trains currently on it.
Or, I'd fail and learn a load trying to do it.
Learning By Doing
After the basic course, I started with Grafana's excellent article "How I Write HTTP Services in Go After 13 Years". This gave me a solid foundation for structuring the service:
- Clean separation of concerns
- Good error handling patterns
- Proper context management
- Service-based architecture
One of the first big lessons was how to structure a production-ready main function. Instead of throwing everything into main(), the article suggested a pattern that enables:
- Proper error handling
- Clean resource management
- Graceful shutdown
- Easy testing
Here's the core structure I implemented:
func run(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, args []string, getenv func(string) string) error {
// Create a new context that will be cancelled when the program receives an interrupt signal
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(ctx, os.Interrupt)
defer cancel() // Clean up resources when we're done
// Environment setup
if err := godotenv.Load(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading .env file: %w", err)
apiKey := getenv("TFL_API_KEY")
if apiKey == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("TFL_API_KEY environment variable is required")
// Initialize services
client := tfl.NewClient(apiKey)
mux := http.NewServeMux()
addRoutes(mux, client)
// Create HTTP server
httpServer := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8080",
Handler: mux,
// Start server in background
go func() {
log.Printf("Server active and listening on %s\n", httpServer.Addr)
if err := httpServer.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error listening and serving: %s\n", err)
// Wait for interrupt signal
// Graceful shutdown
shutdownCtx, shutdownCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer shutdownCancel()
if err := httpServer.Shutdown(shutdownCtx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error shutting down http server: %w", err)
return nil
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
if err := run(ctx, os.Stdout, os.Args, os.Getenv); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
This structure taught me several important Go concepts:
- Context management for graceful shutdown
- Error wrapping with fmt.Errorf
- Dependency injection (passing getenv function)
- Goroutines for background tasks
- Proper resource cleanup with defer
But reading about patterns is one thing - implementing them while learning a new language is another entirely. Every new feature meant learning multiple Go concepts.
API Endpoints
func addRoutes(mux *http.ServeMux, client *tfl.Client) {
mux.HandleFunc("/api/victoria", handleVictoria(client)) // Essential Raw prediction data
mux.HandleFunc("/api/trains", handleTrains(client)) // Processed train locations
mux.HandleFunc("/ws", hub.handleWebSocket) // WebSocket updates
The TfL API provides incredibly detailed prediction data. Here's a single prediction for one train:
"$type": "Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Prediction, Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities",
"id": "434712427",
"operationType": 1,
"vehicleId": "237",
"naptanId": "940GZZLUVIC",
"stationName": "Victoria Underground Station",
"platformName": "Southbound - Platform 4",
"direction": "inbound",
"destinationNaptanId": "940GZZLUBXN",
"destinationName": "Brixton Underground Station",
"timestamp": "2025-01-01T23:19:46.9465405Z",
"timeToStation": 1417,
"currentLocation": "Between Walthamstow Central and Blackhorse Road",
"towards": "Brixton",
"expectedArrival": "2025-01-01T23:43:23Z",
"timing": {
"$type": "Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.PredictionTiming, Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities",
"countdownServerAdjustment": "00:00:00",
"read": "2025-01-01T23:20:12.722Z",
"sent": "2025-01-01T23:19:46Z"
For the MVP, I needed to strip this down to just the essential fields. In Go, this meant defining a clean struct to receive just what I needed. Luckily, there are online tools that'll automatically convert raw JSON to Go structs - this one being my favourite: convert JSON to Go struct.
I ended up with a struct that looked like this:
type Prediction struct {
VehicleID string `json:"vehicleId"`
StationName string `json:"stationName"`
PlatformName string `json:"platformName"`
TimeToStation int `json:"timeToStation"`
CurrentLocation string `json:"currentLocation"`
Towards string `json:"towards"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
This automatically extracts just the fields I cared about during JSON unmarshaling. Then, I processed these predictions into an even simpler in-memory train state:
type TrainInfo struct {
Location Location
Direction string
TimeToNext int
type Location struct {
StationID string
IsBetween bool
PrevStationID string
State TrainState
99 Problems and Enums Are One
The Location struct includes a TrainState, which was one of my first encounters with Go's take on enums and string serialization:
type TrainState int
const (
Unknown TrainState = iota // Default state when location can't be determined
AtStation // Train is stopped at a station
AtPlatform // Train is stopped at the platform
Between // Train is between stations
Approaching // Train is approaching next station
Left // Train has just left a station
Departed // Train has just departed a station
This pattern using iota
and constants sort of looks like an enum, but it lacks many features you might expect out of the box. Want to automatically convert to and from strings? You'll need to write that yourself. Want to ensure a function only accepts valid states? Well, any integer will do! Want to iterate over all possible values? You can, but you'll need to either maintain a slice of all values manually or use reflection - neither of which is as straightforward as a native enum would provide.
This means you end up writing boilerplate code that other languages handle automatically:
var stateStrings = map[TrainState]string{
Unknown: "UNKNOWN",
AtStation: "AT_STATION",
AtPlatform: "AT_PLATFORM",
Between: "BETWEEN",
Approaching: "APPROACHING",
Left: "LEFT",
Departed: "DEPARTED",
func (s TrainState) String() string {
if str, ok := stateStrings[s]; ok {
return str
return fmt.Sprintf("INVALID_STATE(%d)", s)
The tradeoff is simplicity - Go's creators argue that this approach is more straightforward and requires less compiler magic. But coming from TypeScript where enums are proper types with built-in validation and utilities, this feels like unnecessary manual work.

Tracking Train States
The real magic happens in DetectState, which parses TfL's text descriptions:
func DetectState(location string) TrainState {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(location, "At "):
return AtStation
case strings.HasPrefix(location, "Between "):
return Between
case strings.HasPrefix(location, "Approaching "):
return Approaching
// ... and so on
return Unknown
The result is a clean, minimal representation of each train:
"223": {
"Location": {
"StationID": "Warren Street Underground Station",
"IsBetween": false,
"PrevStationID": "",
"State": "AT_STATION"
"Direction": "Walthamstow Central",
"TimeToNext": 33
This transformation taught me several Go concepts:
- Struct tags for JSON mapping
- Custom type definitions
- Go's time.Time handling
- The power of selective data modeling
Most importantly, it showed how Go's type system can help transform complex API responses into clean, usable data structures perfect for my needs.
Each endpoint taught me something new:
- /api/victoria: Basic HTTP handling and JSON marshaling
- /api/trains: Working with custom types and data processing
- /ws: WebSocket management and concurrent connections
Concurrent Polling
func (p _Poller) Start(ctx context.Context) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(6 _ time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
// Do an initial poll immediately
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
This little piece of code taught me about:
- Goroutines
- Channels
- Context management
- Timers
- Graceful shutdown
WebSocket Broadcasting: A Tale of Concurrency
My first attempt at the WebSocket hub was delightfully naive:
type Hub struct {
clients map[*Client]bool
poller *Poller
func (h *Hub) broadcastTrains() {
trains := h.poller.GetTrains()
data, err := json.Marshal(trains)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error marshaling trains: %v", err)
for client := range h.clients {
// Send updates to each client
client.send <- data
This worked perfectly... until it didn't. Even with just the Victoria line, the first time two browsers connected simultaneously, I got the dreaded:
panic: concurrent map iteration and map write
What happened? While my broadcastTrains function was iterating over the clients map, another goroutine tried to add or remove a client. Maps in Go aren't thread-safe, and I had concurrent access from:
- The broadcast loop reading from the map
- The connection handler adding new clients
- The disconnect handler removing clients
This was my first introduction to the concept of Mutexes, a common approach to handling the readers-writers problem. As Javascript is a single-threaded language with an event loop, I'd never encountered this problem before!
Go also comes with the concept of both reader and writer mutexes (sync.RWMutex). This is perfect for my use case because:
- Many goroutines can read the clients map simultaneously (broadcasting to clients)
- Only one goroutine should write to it at a time (adding/removing clients)
Here's what the actual solution looks like:
type Hub struct {
clients map[*Client]bool
mu sync.RWMutex // Protects clients map
poller *Poller
func (h *Hub) registerClient(client *Client) {
h.clients[client] = true
func (h *Hub) unregisterClient(client *Client) {
if _, ok := h.clients[client]; ok {
delete(h.clients, client)
func (h *Hub) broadcastTrains() {
trains := h.poller.GetTrains()
data, err := json.Marshal(trains)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error marshaling trains: %v", err)
// Use RLock() for reads since multiple goroutines can read simultaneously
for client := range h.clients {
select {
case client.send <- data:
// Message sent successfully
// Client's send buffer is full, remove them // Release read lock before acquiring write lock
h.unregisterClient(client) // Reacquire read lock to continue iteration
Here I learned about:
- Mutex locks
- Maps with pointer keys
- JSON handling
- Concurrent writes
The Current State
Currently, the system:
- Polls TfL's API every 6 seconds (well under their 500 requests/minute limit)
- Processes raw prediction data into usable train locations
- Maintains WebSocket connections with all clients
- Broadcasts real-time updates
I then quickly scaffolded a single page frontend in Next just to display this polling data, connecting to the backend via Websocket.
Here's the MMVP up and running:

The three endpoints serve different purposes:
- /api/victoria returns raw prediction data (mostly for debugging)
- /api/trains gives the current processed state of all trains
- /ws provides real-time updates via WebSocket
What I Actually Learned
- Go's concurrency model is powerful but takes time to understand properly
- HTTP services need careful error handling and context management
- WebSockets require thoughtful connection management
- Strong typing is your friend, especially in a new language
- The standard library is incredibly capable
Looking Forward
The next big challenge is making this data actually useful. Right now I'm basically just reporting what TfL tells me, but there's a lot more that could be done:
- Building a proper frontend visualization of the line
- Adding a live map view of train positions
- Improving the position calculations (real trains don't teleport between stations!)
- Making it actually useful for commuters beyond "hey look, trains!"
But most importantly, this project taught me that jumping into the deep end with a new language - while occasionally frustrating - is an incredibly effective way to learn. Documentation and tutorials are great, but nothing beats the experience of debugging your first concurrent map panic at 12AM.
Coming up next: Building a proper frontend for TfL Pulse, because raw JSON isn't exactly commuter-friendly...